You can become good at anything you want!
At we believe that we all can become good at anything we want! It is all about (re-)discovering your strengths in life, and use them to achieve your goals. We call it discovering your stripes!
Every Zebra is totally unique - like you! Design and name your own Zebra! Watch the video below, then give Zebra a new pattern on the worksheet. You can also give Zebra a name, and let us know what you learned from the video! Send it to us on [email protected] - the winning submission will win a cool prize!
Some submissions
"You can be friends, also when you are different." (R.C., 10 yrs)
"Be who you are, others will accept you." (A.C., 16 yrs)
"Wir halten zusammen, egal wie wir aussehen, wie wir uns ändern oder woher wir kommen." (A.F., 8 yrs)
"Be who you are, others will accept you." (A.C., 16 yrs)
"Wir halten zusammen, egal wie wir aussehen, wie wir uns ändern oder woher wir kommen." (A.F., 8 yrs)
What we stand for ... A little bit magical, but totally real. Just like you.
I still remember the awe in my children's eyes when they first saw a Zebra at Edinburgh Zoo. The kids - still small then - shouted "oh wow, a Zebra! We thought they were magic, like unicorns, but they are real!" Little did they know the Zebra would become the symbol of our team.
Our mascot, the Zebra, symbolises that wonderful AWE in life and encompasses a little bit of MAGIC whilst being STRONG, FAST, AGILE, and totally REAL. Zebras are totally UNIQUE - a Zebra's stripes are like human fingerprints - there is only one of them out there! The stripes of our Zebra symbolise the individual STRENGTH and talents each of us has and in our classes, we work on (re-)discovering them. Zebras are also very SOCIAL and they look after each other in their group - something we value highly in our classes. Zebra's are astonishingly good SWIMMERS, despite their bodies not being made for it, like ours! But with practice they mastered a quite efficient swim style, showing that - even when we are not gifted with the most optimal baseline - we can be RESILIENT, DETERMINED and OVERCOME OBSTACLES to become good at anything we want, despite all odds! At we stand for INDIVIDUALISES training, TEAM work, and embracing a CHALLENGE with a positive MINDSET. We stand for TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY and grow together from each others differences. In the business world, Zebras are companies that make an IMPACT. Our aim is to have a positive impact on the health and life of many, helping people to expand their health span and live a healthier, happier life for longer! |